Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who Are The Masons?

They Are These And More:

Husband, Father, Wage Earner, Jogger, Church Member

You try to be your best in all your roles: 
Being a Mason can make you a better man. 

Take a look through these questions and then ask yourself:
"Can joining the Masons help me better myself through service to others?"

What is a Mason?

A Mason is a member of the world's oldest and largest fraternity. Masons join together because:
� They want to do good in the world.
� They want to do good inside their own minds.
� They enjoy being together with other men they like and respect.

What is Masonry?

Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest Fraternity. Its history and tradition date to antiquity. Its singular purpose: to make good men better.

Its bonds of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts, throughout the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum, nor a place for worship. It is, however, a friend of all religions which are based on the belief in one God.

Many of our nation's early patriots were Freemasons - as well as 13 signers of the Constitution and 14 Presidents of the United States, beginning with George Washington.

Today, the more than 6 million Freemasons around the world come from virtually every occupation and profession. Within the Fraternity, however, they all meet as equals. They come from diverse political ideologies, and they meet as friends.

They come from virtually every religious belief, and they all believe in one God.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Freemasonry has always been: how so many men, from so many different walks of life, can meet together in peace, never have any political or religious debates, always conduct their affairs in harmony and friendship, and call each other "Brother!" 

Masonry, or Freemasonry, is a fraternity so old that its origins have been lost in time. However, we know of the guilds of stonemasons who built the great castles and cathedrals of the Middle Ages - whose societies may well have been influenced by the knowledge of the returning Knights Templar. Masonry was formalized in 1717 when the first "Grand Lodge" was formed in England. Today, there are about 13,200 Masonic lodges in the U.S.

What is a Masonic Lodge?

The word "lodge" refers to two things: a group of Masons meeting in a particular place and the place in which they meet.

The term, "lodge," comes from the structures which the medieval stonemasons built against the sides of the cathedrals during construction. During the winter - when construction work was stopped -, they lived in their lodges and worked at carving stone.

Masonic buildings are sometimes called "temples", because much of the symbolism that Masonry uses to teach its lessons comes from the building of King Solomon's Temple in the Holy Land.

What do Masons believe in?

All Masons believe in one God and in respect for each other.

What do Masons do?

Masons are men of charity and good works.

In fact, Masonry is the world's leading charitable organization - contributing nearly $2 million a day to the charitable causes which they helped establish. Our hospitals for burned and physically-challenged children are known worldwide, and are just part of the work we do.

What are the qualifications to become a Mason?

We're proud of our philosophy and practice of "making good men better."

For men who have at least 18 years of age and high moral character to be considered for membership: the applicant must state his belief in the existence of a Supreme Being.

How do I become a member of the Masons?

You may inquire of us for assistance, or ask a friend who you know to be a mason.

Initially, you'll sign a petition - stating your age, occupation, place of residence, etc. - and send this to the Lodge for consideration.

The Lodge will ask someone to contact you, so that we may get a better perspective on your reasons for wanting to join, and to answer questions. Then we go from there.

If you don't know a mason, ask around in your family. You may be surprised to find your father, grandfather or uncle may be a Mason.

Why is Masonry so secretive?

Actually, Masonry as a society, isn't that secretive - although for a while we did have that reputation. In general, we make no secret of our membership. We wear signifying rings and pins with Masonic symbols; our automobiles frequently have Masonic license plates or decals. In Indiana we even have a Masonic motorcycle club.

You might have seen us participating in parades - with aprons, coats, and swords, carrying flags. Our buildings are clearly marked, and are listed in the phone book. Also, Lodges occasionally do host public events, and press from our ceremonies even appear in the newspapers in smaller towns.

If you want to get to know us, just ask us.

However, like most fraternities, we do have some secrets. We have special grips and passwords (like many other fraternal organizations) which we keep secret so that unscrupulous people can't pass themselves off as Masons to obtain assistance under false pretenses. Masonic secrets.

When you truly accept responsibility for your own life and realize that real happiness comes from helping others, you experience certain changes. It's almost impossible to put these changes into words, to describe them.

If we're a "secret society", then we're the worst-kept secret in town!

Is Masonry a religion?

No. Religion plays an important part in Masonry, but Masonry itself is most definitely not a religion.

As we've already mentioned, our members must have a belief in God; no atheist can ever become a Mason. We open our meetings with prayer. And one of the first lessons we teach is that one should pray for divine counsel and guidance before starting an important undertaking. But we are not a religion.

We believe strongly in the importance of religion, and encourage our members to be active in the religion and church of their choice. We counsel that without religion, a man is alone and lost, and cannot reach his full potential.

If Masonry isn't a religion, why does it use ritual?

We all use ritual every day.

Shaking hands when you meet a friend is a ritual. Standing for the National Anthem before a baseball game is a ritual. Our lives are filled with such familiar actions.

Masonry's uses of allegory and storytelling, in its dramatic ritual, help to effectively teach the important values we talked about earlier. By becoming a Mason, and experiencing the ancient teachings for yourself, you will have continued support in establishing these habits, for your highest purpose.

It is very rich because it's so very old. It has developed over centuries to contain some beautiful language and ideas.

There's nothing unusual about ritual. It's part of everyday life!

What is a degree?

A "degree" refers to your level of membership in the Masons - also the ceremony by which you attain the three levels of membership: Entered Apprentice. Fellowcraft. Master Mason.

For example, during the Middle Ages, when a man joined a craft - such as the stonemasons - he was first apprenticed. Then, as he learned the skills of the craft, he became a "Fellow of the Craft" (or "Journeyman"); finally - through practice and self-discipline (doing good work) - he attained the level called "Master of the Craft".

Our degrees help inspire the great lessons of life:

The importance of honor and integrity; being a person on whom others can rely; being both trusting and trustworthy; realizing that you have a spiritual nature; the importance of self-control; knowing how to love and be loved; and, knowing how to keep confidences, so that others may open up to you without fear.

As a candidate, and then a Brother - three ceremonies to receive the three Masonic Degrees. These are solemn, enlightening lessons, and are an enjoyable experience.

It is through the Degrees that the principles of Masonry are taught and where you'll learn that your family and your own necessary vocations are to be considered above Masonry.

Once you become a Master Mason, you will be welcomed as a "Brother" in any of the thousands of Masonic Lodges throughout the world.